Drama Therapy and its Roots in Theatrical Techniques

A question that comes up time and again is, “What differentiates drama therapy from psychotherapy?” As someone with a background and training in theatre, drama, and performance studies, this question is a frequent source of confusion and frustration. Because the… Read moreDrama Therapy and its Roots in Theatrical Techniques

Drama Therapy and the Creative Arts Therapies

It is always challenging to answer the question, “What is drama therapy?” This is because drama therapy can look so many different ways! Any aspect of theatre or drama may be incorporated into a drama therapy practice. Including (but not… Read moreDrama Therapy and the Creative Arts Therapies

Theoretical Foundations of Drama Therapy: Thinking Outside the Binary

I am someone who has dedicated my life’s work and study to the Arts and Humanities. It is why I ultimately decided to pursue drama therapy. I know that in the US especially, I am fighting an uphill battle. But… Read moreTheoretical Foundations of Drama Therapy: Thinking Outside the Binary

Your brain isn’t broken: Mental health in late capitalism

There is a common, popular narrative in mental health. That mental illness is caused by faulty brain chemicals. People with depression have brains that cannot produce enough serotonin. Those with ADHD lack dopamine. This narrative attempts to reduce cultural stigma… Read moreYour brain isn’t broken: Mental health in late capitalism

White Supremacy and Psychotherapy: How have you managed not to know?

An important aspect of being a creative arts (or expressive arts) therapist is being an advocate and a translator. It is not unlike being an ambassador from a foreign country. Each of the creative arts therapies represents a unique theoretical… Read moreWhite Supremacy and Psychotherapy: How have you managed not to know?