What is the scope of practice of creative arts therapies?

One of the struggles of being a creative arts therapist is helping others understand what that means. I created this Venn diagram to help. I want to show how multiple fields and approaches have developed in an attempt to understand… Read moreWhat is the scope of practice of creative arts therapies?

Burnout and Trauma Exposure: You Know When Something Isn’t Right

Remember that we’re nine months into a global pandemic. We are experiencing a form of collective trauma. Not to mention political and racial unrest, a series of natural disasters, and a high rate of unemployment. The days are getting shorter…. Read moreBurnout and Trauma Exposure: You Know When Something Isn’t Right

Introduction to the Nervous System: Fight/Flight/Freeze

We are currently experiencing a global pandemic, which is a form of collective trauma. Most people are used to associating the word trauma with things like the horrors of war combat, or possibly sexual assault or domestic violence. There are… Read moreIntroduction to the Nervous System: Fight/Flight/Freeze

Depression and Inertia

Once I’m feeling overwhelmed, it starts to feel like nothing will ever change and my options for making a difference in my own life are limited. All I can think of are the reasons I can’t do things or why even if I tried it wouldn’t matter because of course I’m just a failure and incompetent at life.

In other words, my brain lies to me.

Stress also makes me feel tired and fatigued, which makes me able to do less because I lack the mental and/or physical energy.

Which only feeds the cycle more.

Because my brain can then say, “See? You can’t even do your laundry or keep up with the dishes or clean the cat box. How will you ever manage X, Y, or Z?”

Then, the stress and guilt from not being able to do even the simplest adult tasks piles onto my other stress and makes me feel even more that I ought to just stay in bed with the covers pulled over my head forever.