Play a Day: It Always Comes Back to This
A woman sits in a ball pit. A sign to the right says, “Juggling lessons: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm”
The stories we tell matter.
A woman sits in a ball pit. A sign to the right says, “Juggling lessons: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm”
A woman is trying to complete a project. Someone comes to make a bid for her attention. Someone else comes by, sure what they need done is more important. Repeat. Repeat. Soon, the woman is surrounded on all sides by… Read morePlay a Day: Distraction
A woman is trying to work on a project in a public place. She keeps being interrupted – whether by noise/conversation, people bumping into her chair, or people asking if anyone is sitting in the empty chair at her table…. Read morePlay a Day: Alone Time
The Woman originally from Day 11 has turned the fishbowl upside down and dumped the slips of paper into a pile on a desk. She works feverishly, occasionally reaching over to the side without looking to grab another slip. Eventually,… Read morePlay a Day: One Step Forward
A woman is waiting in a long line. Everyone in the line is holding stacks of cash. At the end of the line is a counter. Above the counter is a sign that reads “Housing.” When the woman gets to… Read morePlay a Day: In and Out
A woman walks with a large backpack. She stops, tired, and takes it off her shoulders. Once it hits the ground, she starts to slowly rise into the air. Unencumbered, she flies away.
A woman sits in a ball pit. Behind her, a YouTube video about how to learn to juggle plays on a projection screen.
Stage right. A giant heap of items – miscellaneous things: papers, clothes, notepads, books, stuffed animals, picture frames. A woman enters stage left. One by one, she takes items out of the heap and moves them stage left, arranging them… Read morePlay a Day: That’s Better
A bedroom. Stage left, a desk and chair. A large red neon sign blinks: “Art” Stage right, a bed. A large blue neon sign blinks: “Sleep” A woman stands center stage, looking from one side to the other. Sheepishly, she… Read morePlay a Day: Priorities
A giant fish tank, the like of which you would see in an aquarium. It is filled with small bits of paper with tasks written on them. It bears a label reading “Everything.” A smaller fish bowl, in which a single… Read morePlay a Day: Something > Nothing