Play a Day: It Always Comes Back to This
A woman sits in a ball pit. A sign to the right says, “Juggling lessons: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm”
The stories we tell matter.
A woman sits in a ball pit. A sign to the right says, “Juggling lessons: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm”
The woman from Day 11 returns, bearing the empty fishbowl. She reaches in the large tank and pulls more papers out, filling the bowl again. She exits, off to do more of Something.
A woman sits in a ball pit. Behind her, a YouTube video about how to learn to juggle plays on a projection screen.
A room with a window through which the moon can be seen. A large clock on the wall. It is 10pm, say. A woman sits at a desk near the window working. Lights down. Lights up. 11:15pm. The woman is… Read morePlay A Day: Time Sensitive
I feel like the first step toward achieving a goal is to state it in some concrete way. I’m still waiting for my Passion Planner in the mail, so I might as well do it here for now. Here are… Read moreThings I Want
I’ve watched this video before, where the narrator compares his depression to a black dog who follows him around. Mine feels more like an estranged relative who decides to drop by for a visit even when they know they’re unwelcome. I thought… Read moreMy Black Dog
Lately I’ve been struggling with time management. With the bookstore gearing up for conferences and events this fall, I’m having to figure out if I can cut back hours on my other main part-time job. My attention is too divided…. Read moreQuarter-Century Crisis