Curriculum Vitae

Dana Sayre


M.A. Performance Studies, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 2012

Thesis: “Queer Utopian Performance at Texas A&M University.”

B.A. English, Suma Cum Laude, Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV, May 2010

B.A. Theatre, Suma Cum Laude, Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV, May 2009

Employment History

BookWoman, Assistant to the Owner

Feb 2014 – present.

The Horn, Freelance Writer

Sept. 2013 – present.

Graduate Assistantship, Department of Performance Studies, Texas A&M University

Aug. 2010 – May 2012.

Costume Shop: Construction, Alteration, Patterning, Shop Supervision.

Grading writing assignments for THAR 155: History of Western Dress

Grading tests for THAR 255: Costume Technology.


2012 Community-Based Theatre Workshop with Cornerstone Theatre.

2011 Devised Community Theatre Workshop with Alvaro Rios and Michelle Lopez-Rios.

2011 Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre Internship with Stephanie Riso – Diversity.

2010 Solo Autobiographical Performance Workshop with Tim Miller.

Grants, Honors, Awards, and Scholarships


2012 Travel Enhancement Grant, Texas A&M University, $500

2012 The Michael Schoenecke Travel Grant for Graduate Students to the National PCA/ACA Conference, $300

2011 Texas Public Education Grant, $1,500

2011 The Michael Schoenecke Travel Grant for Graduate Students to the National PCA/ACA Conference, $300

2011 Travel Enhancement Grant, Texas A&M University, $500

2010 Travel Enhancement Grant, Fairmont State University, $500

2009 Travel Enhancement Grant, Fairmont State University, $500

Honors and Awards

2012 Outstanding Diversity Graduate, 2nd place, Texas A&M University Student ResearchWeek

2011 Graduate Oral Session Winner, Literature and Fine Arts, Texas A&M University Student Research Week

2010 Outstanding Student in Foreign Language (French), Fairmont State University

2010 Remembering #9: Stories of the Farmington Mine Disaster Performance for West Virginia Arts Day at the Legislature

2010 “Renard’s Ramblings: Renard the Fox Bibliography Project,” Fairmont State University Celebration of Student Scholarship

2009 Marian Satterfield Award: Outstanding Student in Arts and Humanities, City of Fairmont Arts and Humanities Commission

2009 “Multi-Cultural Theatre in United States,” Fairmont State University Celebration of Student Scholarship

2009 Outstanding Student in Communication and Theatre Arts, Fairmont State University

2008 Top Girls Dramaturgy, Fairmont State University Celebration of Student Scholarship


2008-2009 PROMISE Scholarship Recipient, tuition waiver

2008 Myles O’Dell Scholarship Recipient, $1,000

2007-2008 PROMISE Scholarship Recipient, tuition waiver

2007 Blanche Kinney Fine Arts Scholarship Recipient, $1,000

2006-2007 PROMISE Scholarship Recipient, tuition waiver

2006 Blanche Kinney Fine Arts Scholarship Recipient, $750

2005-2006 PROMISE Scholarship Recipient, tuition waiver

2005 Blanche Kinney Fine Arts Scholarship Recipient, $750

2005 Star USA Credit Union Scholarship Recipient, $1,000

2005 Super Value Scholarship Recipient, $1,000

Research Interests

Feminist/Queer Performance Theory and Practice, Participatory Fan Culture, Autobiographical Performance, Utopia


An Attempt to Die and the Will to Live: Inspirational Stories from People Who Survived a Suicidal Experience. expected 2016.

Velma Magazine: Issue 5: Sex & Technology. Feb 2015.

“Analysis of Blasted.Tracts: A Journal of Student Scholarship 7.1 (2010): 20-31.

“SPEAK.” Whetstone: Art and Literary Journal of Fairmont State 28 (2009): 88-97.

“The Role of Literature in Perpetuating and Fighting Gender Roles and Stereotypes.” Tracts: A Journal of Student Scholarship 4.2 (2006): 20-25.

Book Reviews

Weiss, Margot. “Techniques of Pleasure: BDSM and the Circuits of Sexuality.” Liminalities 9.1 (2013).

Shepard, Benjamin. “Queer Political Performance and Protest: Play, Pleasure and Social Movement.” Liminalities 7.1 (2011).


“ Kimberly Dark and Femme Solo Autobiographical Performance.” Femme 2012: Pulling the Pieces Together, Baltimore, MD, 17-19 August 2012.

“Queer Utopian Performance at Texas A&M University.” Communicating Diversity Student Mini-Conference, Texas A&M University, 20 April 2012.

“Acting ‘Too Loud and Crazy’: Noise as Resistance in Cepheid Variable.” National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations Conference, Boston, MA, 11-14 April 2012.

“Queer Utopian Performance at Texas A&M University.” Shades of Color meeting, Texas A&M University, 10 April 2012.

“Cepheid Variable.” Music, Movement, and Cultural Performance Working Group, Texas A&M University, 27 February 2012.

“What Does it Mean to be an Aggie?: The Role of the University in Supporting Sexual Diversity at Texas A&M.” Queer Studies Working Group, Texas A&M University, 31 January 2012.

“Mommy, Why are the Stepsisters Boys?: Gender Identity and Non-Traditional Casting in Theatre for Young Audiences.” American Alliance of Theatre in Education National Conference, Chicago, IL, 27-31 July 2011.

“Doing the Impossible: The Performance of Browncoat Identity.” National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations and Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations joint conference, San Antonio, TX, 20-23 April 2011.

Foreign Language

Competent French reading and writing ability, along with Intermediate speaking skills.

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